
By virtue of a number of executed contracts and arrangements Unitrade Eco EOOD has close business relations with the leaders in packaging waste recycling on the Balkans and in Europe. Our business partners include:


BULECOPACK AD, city of Sofia – a PWRO (Packaging Waste Recovery Organization), a major business partner in a number of projects;


Ecocollect AD, city of Sofia – a PWRO (Packaging Waste Recovery Organization)


Ecopack Bulgaria AD, city of Sofia – a PWRO (Packaging Waste Recovery Organization) a major business partner in a number of projects;


Duropack Trakia Papir S.a., city of Pazardzhik – a plant for the processing of paper and cardboard waste;


„Knauf Bulgaria” Ltd. – Bulgaria


„ЗХ Белово” АД – Bulgaria


„Sanitex Paper Products” Ltd. – Bulgaria


Modern Karton Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. – Turkey


„Дружба Стъкларски Заводи” АД – Bulgaria


Стъкларски Завод „Рубин” – Плевен – Bulgaria


Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Bulgaria AD, city of Sofia – major supplier of recyclable glass and glass packaging waste;


BILLA Bulgaria EOOD, city of Sofia – major supplier of recyclable paper, cardboard, and polymer waste;

and many, many others, whose confidence Unitrade Eco OOD justifies on a daily basis.

“UNITRADE 2002”保留所有权利, 2014年