All the facilities are in full compliance with the European regulations and the legislation of the country and offer excellent conditions for quality and fast and effective customer service. The employees count on high competency level, responsibility and company know-how by the assessment and the processing of the waste. This is a core prerequisite for the sustainable management of a system for waste collection from domestic, commercial, administrative, public and industrial sites.
The headquarters of the company is located in Sofia, Iliyanci area, on Djerman Street 21. The operations spread over 3000sq.m area and is equipped with own specialised machinery such as: auto scales 50 tonnes, 3 grabs, wheel loaders, forklifts, railway track, premises for storage of waste of any kind, all in compliance with the ecology legislation.
Unitrade 2011 operates in cooperation with organisations for recovery of packaging waste such as “Ecopack Bulgaria” AD, “Ecocollect” AD and “Bulecopack” AD, acting as their main subcontractor. An example for the good cooperation is the construction of a separating installation for mixed packaging at the premises of Unitrade 2011 in Lom, which services the systems of separate collection of five municipalities: Lom, Vulchedrum, Kozloduy Hairedin and Misia.
The reasonable and rational waste management is a priority for the company and contributes to the environment preservation and the public health protection, while at the same time preserves the nature resources for the future generations.